20-something Lessons I Learned In My 20s

If you follow me on Instagram ( + watch my Instagram Stories) then you've heard me allude to this "birthday blog post" that never went LIVE because I didn't find it relevant and appropriate with Hurricane Harvey upon us. Just a week before Harvey hit, on August 19th, I turned 27. And let me tell you, I can feel 30 creeping closer and closer. With that said, I've decided to begin collecting some of the lessons I've been learning in my 20s.

Here are 27 lessons I've learned so far and here's to many more... 
*raises her glass of Rose Lemonade and takes a sip*

1. Buy and use a dining table. 
I pray the art of inviting others for dinner never dies. Sadly, at the rate we're going, it just might. So, fight against it with me: make a meal and sit at the table, TV off and phones away.

2. Family matters.
Text your mom back. Call your dad. Keep a group text going with your siblings. Don't forget to also check in on your grandparents.

3. Don't church hop.
I am a firm believer in getting planted in a local church. Avoid the temptation to spend months or years "church hopping". Nothing can grow without roots. Remember that. 

4. You should read more (books). 
Jon Acuff says, "reading books is one of the fastest, easiest, cheapest ways to improve your life. So, pick up what interests you and start where you can. 

5. True friendships take work.
Friendship takes intentionality, especially as adults. Go meet new people: join a Bible study, fitness group, local softball league, book club or moms group and give others a chance. A new friend could be closer than you think. Read more on this here

6. The pizza + Dr. Pepper catches up to you.
My youthful, fast metabolism is depleting by the minute. Turns out it's true, it slows down over time.  So, I'll be over here running 3x a week and attempting more than one push up and have you meet me at lesson #20 to further discuss this. 

7. Gather the people you love. 
Whether it's a bbq, the holidays, a game night or for dinner, gather. A secret to longevity is to surround ourselves with community.

8. Consistency is the key to success. 
Keep going. Don't give up. You may not see results immediately, but remain consistent and persistent. Progress will come.

9. Never stop exploring.
Try a new cuisine or pack your bags and visit a new city, state or country! It's a big world, don't regret later not enjoy it's diversity. 

10. Get to know God and never stop. 
Living life with my Creator is the best decision I ever made. Start getting to know Him, now. Pray. Read the Bible. And never stop.

11. Listen more.
A wise man once said, "be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry". I'm learning this on the daily. Anyone else?

12. Pay off your debt, ASAP.
I can't include this lesson without sharing the foundation of it, which is to create a budget. $30,000 paid off + counting!

13. Do it scared if you have to.
Don't allow fears or doubts to paralyze you. My husband says it best, "there cannot be a 'leap of faith' without the valley of doubt to jump over."

14. Think of yourself less. 
You know, self-centeredness is a disease. Ask others this simple question, "how can I help you?" Helping others is the cure.

15. Listen to and respect your elders.
If I could turn back time, I'd spend it asking my deceased grandparents a ton of questions. Elders hold great wisdom and incredible stories that may shock you. Newsflash, we don't know it all. Learn from them and respect them.

16. Communication + clarity are key.
It's said bad communication (or lack there of) is often times the cause of conflict. Communicate with clarity and leave no room for assumptions or false expectations - whether in relationships, at work or when ordering your next pizza.

17. Sifting the flour does make a difference.
A more practical lesson here that stems from following directions precisely. I've learned that you really should fold an ingredient in instead of stirring and one should soften the butter, not entirely melt it in the microwave. There's a difference.

18. Welcome interruptions.
Don't get lost in a routine or schedule that you view all interruptions as evil. Sometimes an interruption provides a little break, or a rained out event can produce a family game night in. 

19. Buy a pet. 
Living alone in an apartment? Get a pet! Our dog has lifted our spirits more times than we can count. Owning a pet forces us out of our selfishness. We have someone else's needs to consider.

20. Stay active.
Since our metabolism is inevitably declining, it's so important to stay in shape. Surely I'm not the only one that has plans to be able to play with my grandchildren and take walks with my husband, hand in hand, at 72.

21. Amazon (prime) rocks.
You can almost find anything on Amazon, and for a good price, too! Prime enables a quicker delivery and other perks. And who doesn't love coming home to a package?

22. Be honest.
No need to exaggerate or say what you think others want to hear if it's not the truth. Be honest. Let your yes be yes and your no be no.

23. Hunt for the bargains.
I hardly ever buy something when it first comes out. Why? Because it will go on sale. Look for deals and don't be ashamed of coupons. Save your hard earned money!

24. Dry shampoo is life.
I can't thank the brilliant inventors of this stuff enough!. And I'm not even a mom yet. Add that to your budget. I'm telling you... 

25. Pursue peace.
Unresolved conflict can eat you up alive. Instead, pursue peace and restoration. Resolve conflicts immediately and let it go. Forgiveness is for you, not the one who hurt you. 

26. We girls have got to stick together.
Listen, competition is never better than community and unity. Division is nasty. We gotta build each other up and not tear each other down. So don't hold back; sharing is caring. 

27. Don't compare your beginning to someone else's end.
Comparison can rob you of your joy. Rather, be grateful for how far you've come and trust that good things take time. 

I'm curious.. what are some lessons you've learned? Big or small, practical or meaningful. Share it in a comment below and let's keep the conversation going! 

As always, thanks for reading and feel free to share! 

               - Crystal - 

               - Crystal - 


Crystal Williams

Hi, friends! My name is Crystal and I’m a church-planting pastor’s wife. I am wholly a Texas-loving, city girl with the life goal of communicating Jesus to the masses. I do this by writing, speaking, leading worship and mentoring other women. I enjoy time spent with my husband and yellow lab, running, traveling, sipping honey lattes, reading and all things social media.